Select a category on the left, to get your answers quickly
In order to use Opensolr with Omeka, you will need the following:
$ Omeka-S-module-SearchSolr/data/solr_cores/default.php
In default.php, enter the Opensolr connection information, as per your Opensolr Index Control Panel. The values that changed from the default ones are maked in green.
return [
'@context' => null,
'@id' => null,
'@type' => 'o:SolrCore',
'o:id' => null,
'o:name' => 'Default',
'o:settings' => [
'client' => [
'scheme' => 'https',
'port' => 443,
'path' => '/',
// 'collection' => null,
'secure' => true,
'bypass_certificate_check' => true,
'support' => '',
'server_id' => '',
'resource_languages' => '',
'query' => [
'minimum_match' => '',
'tie_breaker' => '',
curl --user 'INDEX_USERNAME:INDEX_PASSWORD' -X POST --data-binary '{"add-copy-field":{"source":"*","dest":"_text_" }}' 'https://SERVER.OPENSOLR.COM/solr/INDEX_NAME/schema'