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Get LIVE Web Crawler Stats

  1. GET
  2. Parameters:
    1. ​email - your opensolr registration email address
    2. api_key - your opensolr api_key
    3. ​core_name - the name of the index/cluster you wish to get the live web crawler stats for
  3. Example:

Trigger Start the Web Crawler

  1. GET
  2. Parameters:
    1. ​email - (required) your opensolr registration email address
    2. api_key (required) your opensolr api_key
    3. ​core_name - (required) the name of the core you wish to start the web crawler process for
    4. follow_docs - (optional) follow documents and images? (yes/no). Default: no
    5. clean - (optional) start fresh, or resume from where you left off? (yes/no). Default: no.
    6. auth_username - (optional) if your starting URLs are using Basic HTTP Auth, you can enter the username here.
    7. auth_password - (optional) if your starting URLs are using Basic HTTP Auth, you can enter the password here.
    8. mode - (optional) the mode to follow links. possible values are: 1 or 2 or 3 or 4. Default value is 1.
      1. Follow all DOMAIN links (full site crawl. follows all subdomains *, and all paths **)
      2. Follow all HOST links (limits crawl to HOST only and all it's paths, doesn't follow other subdomains)
      3. Follow all PATH links (limits crawl to given PATH, will not go outisde the /path/)
      4. Follow the initial URL only. not scraping any other links.
  3. Example:

​Trigger Stop the Web Crawler

  1. GET
  2. Parameters:
    1. ​email - your opensolr registration email address
    2. api_key - your opensolr api_key
    3. ​core_name - the name of the core you wish to stop the web crawler process for
  3. Example:

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