Documentation > CMS-Drupal > Drupal Configuration Steps

If your Normal, Search API Opensolr module won't work on your legacy Drupal, or any Drupal version, these steps might help.
Use the standard Basic Auth instead of the Official Opensolr Drupal Module, since that is no longer supported on Drupal 8, however the Opensolr service is supported on any Solr and Drupal versions Opensolr Drupal Basic Auth Configuration
- Changed the index credentials to 123/123 (something simple), just to make sure all will work ok, using the Opensolr Control Panel:

Opensolr Security Control Panel

- Added the AUTH credentials in the Drupal admin:
Opensolr Security
- Added /solr to the Solr Path configuration in Drupal admin:
Drupal Opensolr Config
- Uploaded the Drupal 8 Solr version 3 Solr configuration files, using the Opensolr Configuration Control Panel. These are required in order for Drupal to identify the correct Solr index and version.
You can find these files in a folder called conf under the ApacheSolr Search API Drupal Module

Opensolr Config Files Editor


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