Documentation > Data Backup > Enable, Create, Restore and Download your Solr Index Backup

Here's how you can enable automated Backups and manage your Opensolr Index Backup files.

  • Create a new backup either via the Control Panel UI, or the Automation REST API
  • IMPORTANT: This is NOT enabled by default. You will have to click Start Daily Backup Schedule, in order for daily backups to be created.
    • You would setup a Production Opensolr Account for the indexes where you require backup management, and secondary Dev Account, for dev/test/qa/uat, and you can use the Team Management in order to add the dev account to your Prod team, and vice versa.
  • Restore your Configuration Files, or the complete Index configuration and data.
  • All backup data will be stored in our servers, for 7 days.
  • You can always opt-in or out on the Opensolr Backup Manager, by visiting the pricing page, where you can fully customize your order, to fit your needs in a most efficient way.
  • Click here for a video tutorial

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