Drupal Known Issues

Drupal delivers faulty solr config files. Keep reading to learn how to fix the known issues of Drupal with Opensolr.

Upload & import data from CSV to your Opensolr index

Here's how to upload data from csv files to your opensolr index.

Opensolr Backup Manager

Opensolr Backup Manager now comes with Automated Daily backup scheduler, and the option to backup your solr data and configuration files, and choose to only restore data or configuration files or both.

How to setup solr MySQL data importer

If you don't feel like creating your own data importer to import data from your SQL database to your SOLR collections, we've also integrated the DIH  - Data Import Handler which now helps you define your SQL connection and query, and import your data to SOLR with just a few clicks.

Protect your solr index data

Opensolr gives all users the option to protect their index data by using IP access lists, HTTPS connectivity, and HTTP Authentication.

How to define new fields in schema.xml

Editing the schema.xml using opensolr.com is easy. This describes how to easily define new fields and edit your schema.xml to fit your needs.

Laravel / Solarium / Vue / Opensolr Search Engine Sample Code

Sample Search Engine Laravel application, using Vue, Solarium and Opensolr.

How to enable solr replication

This explains how to easily setup secure solr replication OVER HTTPS between two of your opensolr indexes

Solr Index with HTTP Authentication


Opensolr finally delivered the HTTP Authentication mechanism for every index! Best part: IT IS FREE! Keep reading to learn more!

Get started with opensolr

How to setup my opensolr index to work with drupal wordpress or any other system? This clip contains a quick demo on how to integrate opensolr with drupal, and, offers an insight about how to integrate with any other CMS or custom web application.

Opensolr Index Analytics

Analytics is a great way to get some key information about how your index is being used on a daily basis.

Solr 9 is Here

We have just released the first US-EAST Solr version 9 Shared Solr Cloud Instance.

How to import data from XML files into your SOLR collection

We've seen here how we may setup our MySQL data importer and import data directly from our MySQL database inside the opensolr generic collections.
In quite the same manner, we're about to see how we can import data from any XML file through the SOLR HttpDataSource.
All we have to do is setup the db-data-config.xml file to accept our XML files.

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