Documentation > Errors in Solr > SolrException: Invalid Number for field

Solr indexing error:

ERROR (qtp123456-78) <replica> o.a.s.h.RequestHandlerBase org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Invalid Number: <bad value> for field <numeric field>

This is one of many Indexing Errors that we encounter. It means that your application sometimes issues a non-numeric value to a numeric field. This results in the document being dropped from the index. The error message usually identifies both the broken value and the field.

This could indicate a schema field-definition error, but the examples we see commonly involve legacy data or issues in the code that generates the value.

You should try to make sure that the data you send to Solr matches the field Types defined in your Solr schema.xml file.

If all fails, please Contact Support.

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