Documentation > API-Logs & Analytics > API - Get Index Request Log

Get Index Request Log

You can use this method, to get your request log, in a SOLR JSON format.
You can add almost every solr-supported parameter to your GET request, as GET parameters, as explained in the example below, where we get the first 10 request log entries for the index named opensolr between dates: Jan. 01 2023 to May 01 2023, where the requests returned an error http_status (-fq=http_status:200) sorted by date descending.

  1. GET
  2. Parameters:
    1. ​email - your opensolr registration email address
    2. api_key - your opensolr api_key
    3. ​core_name - the name of the index
    4. most other solr-supported query parameter, such as: q, start, rows, sort, fq, facet, facet.field[] etc
    5. Click here to learn more about the supported Solr Query Parameters
    6. Note that the multiple solr-supported parameters, will be passed with a double square bracket [], to indicate an array of multiple values for the same parameter, such in the case of fq, qf, etc.
    7. For example, if you want to enable facetting, you'll have to pass on the parameters like:  &facet=true&facet.field[]=ip&facet.field[]=core_name
    8. To exclude empty queries: &fq[]=-q:""
    9. To exclude empty and wildcard queries: &fq[]=-q:""&fq[]=-q:"*:*"
    10. To get data in another format, you simply pass in a different wt parameter, as such: &wt=csv which gets data in csv format. You can get more information here.
    11. By making a sample request you will see all the fields that are available to filter, sort or facet by.
  3. Example request:[]=date:[2023-01-01T00:00:00Z%20TO%202023-05-31T00:00:00Z]&facet=true&facet.field[]=core_name&fq[]=+http_status:""&fq[]=-http_status:200


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