Documentation > API-Backup Management > API - Download backup file

Download Index Backup File

  • ​In order to download your index backup file, you will have to make an HTTP GET request to the Index Hostname, found in your Index Control Panel
  • You can get the backup file name using the List Backups API method.
  • IMPORTANT: The username and password are the credentials of your Opensolr Index, and NOT those of your Opensolr account.
  • Each Opensolr Index is protected by HTTP Basic Auth over HTTPS.
  • In case you haven't set it to something else, inside your Opensolr Index Control Panel, the default username is opensolr, and the password, is your Secret API KEY found in your Opensolr Control Panel Dashboard.
  • The URL:<INDEX_NAME> contains the latest backup of your index, plus daily backup archives from the the last 10 days.
  • Example: 
    curl -s -u "username:password" -o /file/save/path.tar.gz<INDEX_NAME>/<BACKUP_FILE_NAME>

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