Nagyon fontos, hogy a katolikusok jóvátegyék az olimpiai blaszfémiát: íme, miért - LifeSite
Aug 05 2024

Read plain text version of this page  A katolikusok világszerte jóvátételt nyújtanak a párizsi olimpia megnyitó ünnepségén elkövetett szörnyű istenkáromlásért. XI. Pius pápa 1928-as, A Szent Szívnek való jóvátételről szóló enciklikája megtanít minket arra, hogy miért olyan fontos ez a fajta imádságos vezeklés...

It’s really important for Catholics to make reparation for the Olympics blasphemy: here’s why - LifeSite
Aug 05 2024

Read plain text version of this page  Catholics around the world have been making reparation for the horrific blasphemy committed during the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics. Pope Pius XI’s 1928 Encyclical On Reparation to the Sacred Heart teaches us why this kind of prayerful atonement is so important...

Novak Djokovic proclaims ‘God is great’ after winning Olympic gold medal - LifeSite
Aug 05 2024

Read plain text version of this page  Novak Djokovic praised God after winning his first Olympic gold medal, pointing to heaven and declaring ‘God is great’ three times, which he repeated in a post-match interview...

The miraculous founding of St. Mary Major’s basilica in Rome marks a special favor of Our Lady - LifeSite
Aug 05 2024

Read plain text version of this page  The important and numerous liturgical stations appointed at the basilica on the Esquiline testify to the devotion of the Romans and of all Catholics towards it...

O corpo de Santo Estêvão esteve escondido durante séculos até ser revelado numa visão após o saque de Roma - LifeSite
Aug 03 2024

Read plain text version of this page  Não há ninguém, estrangeiro ou cidadão, bárbaro ou cita, que não experimente, por tua intercessão, a grandeza das realidades celestes", escreveu Basílio de Santo Estêvão...

O impressionante silêncio do Papa sobre a cerimónia olímpica e as alegações de pedofilia da estrela "trans" MrBeast - LifeSite
Aug 02 2024

Read plain text version of this page  No episódio desta semana de Fé e Razão, o painel discute a blasfémia nos Jogos Olímpicos, o silêncio do Papa Francisco, as alegações de abuso sexual contra um antigo co-apresentador "transgénero" de um canal popular do YouTube e muito mais...

Data roils markets this week opening door for increased volatility - LifeSite
Aug 02 2024

Read plain text version of this page  With today's tumultuous market events, we cannot encourage families and investors enough – do not wait for your financial advisor to tell you it is time to prepare for the massive debt crisis that is unfolding in America...

DeSantis admin investigates leftists who terrorized Christian family with fake abuse accusations - LifeSite
Aug 02 2024

Read plain text version of this page  Members of an anti-Christian Reddit forum determined JD and Britney Lott's location to sic Florida child welfare officials after them based on a false report that their one-week-old baby was at risk...

A katolikus püspökök valódi bocsánatkérést követelnek az olimpiai bizottságtól a "szándékosan gyűlöletkeltő" ceremónia miatt - LifeSite
Aug 02 2024

Read plain text version of this page  Az amerikai, európai és afrikai püspökök felszólították a Nemzetközi Olimpiai Bizottságot, hogy "utasítsa vissza" az utolsó vacsora "szándékosan gyűlöletes megcsúfolását" a 2024-es olimpiai játékokon...

‘Transgender’ males are brutally injuring female athletes, and sports officials don’t care - LifeSite
Aug 02 2024

Read plain text version of this page  Female athletes have suffered cracked skulls, traumatic brain injury, paralysis, and other injuries at the hands of ‘transgender’ men – sometimes with life-long damage – but sports officials around the world still haven’t woken up...

Jézus arra hív minket, hogy tegyünk bizonyságot Róla, még ha ez üldöztetéssel is jár - LifeSite
Aug 02 2024

Read plain text version of this page  A mi korunkban egyesek számára a hitünk bosszantó. De ahogyan Jézus mondja nekünk: "Aki megtagad engem az emberek előtt, azt én is megtagadom Atyám előtt, aki a mennyekben van". Hajlandóak vagyunk elveszíteni az emberi tiszteletet...

Documentary indicates James O’Keefe attended Bohemian Grove, suggests he’s a CIA asset - LifeSite
Aug 02 2024

Read plain text version of this page  Producer Justin Leslie argues that many ‘bombshell’ stories exposing the grave dangers of the mRNA COVID injections, and malfeasance by drug companies, were routinely spiked by Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe, the pioneer in ‘guerrilla journalism...

Father James Martin's conference, endorsed by Pope Francis, to host pro-LGBT speakers - LifeSite
Aug 02 2024

Read plain text version of this page  The Outreach conference highlights speakers with dissident views on Catholic sexual ethics, including ex-Jesuit priest Fr. William Hart McNichols and pro-LGBT Jewish Biblical scholar Amy-Jill Levine...

The 'green economy' is suddenly in retreat in the US and Europe. Why? - LifeSite
Aug 02 2024

Read plain text version of this page  Pundits across the world are still trying to figure out why Green parties crashed so hard, which leads one to wonder if they were paying attention...

Was Archbishop Viganò silenced by the Vatican for exposing corruption in the Church? - LifeSite
Aug 02 2024

Read plain text version of this page  If the Vatican’s attempt to silence Archbishop Viganò is successful, whatever you think of the prelate, Catholics will have lost one of the few voices courageous enough to challenge the don’t-ask-questions mentality now prevalent in Rome...

How the Jesuits canceled one of their most faithful sons, Father Paul Mankowski - LifeSite
Aug 01 2024

Read plain text version of this page  On this episode of The John Henry Westen Show, Karen Hall joins me to discuss how the late Father Paul Mankowski, S.J., was canceled and treated poorly by the Jesuits, his thoughts on the state of the Church and world, and more...

Female darts champion withdraws from another tournament instead of facing male opponent - LifeSite
Aug 01 2024

Read plain text version of this page  Deta Hedman complained that 'my sport of darts is becoming toxic' after refusing to compete against a gender-confused male in a tournament in the UK...

Trump takes credit for making GOP 'less radical, perhaps,' on abortion at black journalism conference - LifeSite
Aug 01 2024

Read plain text version of this page  ‘I think the Republican Party is actually, much less radical,’ Donald Trump told the National Association of Black Journalists on Wednesday, adding, ‘I think I’ve made them much less radical, perhaps...

There's no scientific evidence of 'human-induced climate change' causing stronger hurricanes - LifeSite
Aug 01 2024

Read plain text version of this page  The scientific consensus on hurricanes, which isn't covered by breathless climate reporting, is that humans have had no detectable impact on hurricanes over the past century. We must demand honesty and contextual complexity on climate reporting...

Pro-lifers warn IVF kills more babies than abortion, slam Ted Cruz for supporting it - LifeSite
Aug 01 2024

Read plain text version of this page  IVF results in millions of destroyed embryos and violates God’s plan for marriage, American Life League warns in a new video. ‘This technology is incredibly lethal for embryonic children in their most vulnerable state,’ the group notes...

Bishop Strickland: We must remain anchored to Jesus against the evil infiltrating the Church - LifeSite
Aug 01 2024

Read plain text version of this page  Despite evil infiltrating the Church in the form of abuses and betrayal, the faithful must recognize the Church’s divine establishment, remaining One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic...

How the World Economic Forum could take firm control of the global financial system - LifeSite
Aug 01 2024

Read plain text version of this page  The World Economic Forum Partnership against Cybercrime (WEFPAC) appears to be a joint effort of banks, Big Tech, and the Deep State to secure total control of the world’s financial system and usher in a new era of digital tyranny...

Trump's repeated disavowals of Project 2025 are a betrayal of his most loyal supporters - LifeSite
Jul 31 2024

Read plain text version of this page  There is no discernible difference between Trump’s recent messaging calling the interests of social conservatives ‘absolutely ridiculous and abysmal’ and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton calling conservatives ‘deplorables...

Comedian Rob Schneider boycotts the Olympics over Last Supper mockery: 'Openly celebrates Satan' - LifeSite
Jul 31 2024

Read plain text version of this page  ‘I cannot watch an Olympics that disrespects Christianity and openly celebrates Satan,’ Catholic convert and former SNL star Rob Schneider wrote on X...

Faithful Catholics to process in reparation for blasphemous Olympic opening ceremony - LifeSite
Jul 31 2024

Read plain text version of this page  'Reparation is something that has long been forgotten in the Church and society,' event organizer John Pacheco told LifeSiteNews. 'Blasphemy against God is a very serious sin...

Biden admin announces expanded nuclear weapon arsenal in Europe after Putin places missiles in Cuba - LifeSite
Jul 31 2024

Read plain text version of this page  Russia has positioned a nuclear submarine in Cuba while the Biden administration has proposed expanding the nuclear arsenal in the U.K. and Europe, heightening the risk of conflict...

‘Really chilling’: Five countries to test European vaccination card - LifeSite
Jul 31 2024

Read plain text version of this page  Belgium, Germany, Greece, Latvia and Portugal will test the new vaccination card in a variety of formats, including printed cards, mailed copies and digital versions for smartphones. Critics called it a 'direct threat to freedom...

Saint Ignatius of Loyola calls us to be soldiers of Jesus Christ the King - LifeSite
Jul 31 2024

Read plain text version of this page  Saint Ignatius of Loyola, a soldier who had a powerful conversion, is a great example of the truth that we are all called to become saints. Like St. Ignatius, we are invited to examine our response to the invitations the Lord has given to us to follow Him...

Pro-LGBT staff resign as new Idaho library board purges sexually explicit material for children - LifeSite
Jul 31 2024

Read plain text version of this page  In Kootenai County, Idaho, a conservative group, aided by MassResistance, successfully overhauled the local library board in response to the inclusion of explicit materials in children’s sections...

Margo Naranjo e Jack Dolan provam a necessidade de ajuda compassiva, não de suicídio assistido - LifeSite
Jul 31 2024

Read plain text version of this page  Jack Dolan, de 15 anos, que sofreu um traumatismo craniano depois de quase se ter afogado, mostra como é essencial que os familiares lutem pelos seus entes queridos no sistema médico e insistam em reavaliações em situações complexas...

Margo Naranjo e Jack Dolan dimostrano la necessità di un aiuto compassionevole, non del suicidio assistito - LifeSite
Jul 31 2024

Read plain text version of this page  Il quindicenne Jack Dolan, che ha subito un trauma cerebrale dopo aver rischiato di annegare, dimostra quanto sia essenziale per i familiari lottare per i propri cari nel sistema medico e spingere per una rivalutazione in situazioni complesse...

Gerard Manley Hopkins' Marian poem beautifully compares Our Lady's importance to 'air we breathe' - LifeSite
Jul 31 2024

Read plain text version of this page  The Blessed Virgin Mary is to us in our spiritual lives what air is in our physical lives: critical, life-giving, all-encompassing, and gently filtering the light of God’s grace as it falls upon the soul like golden dew...

This French Catholic thinker reveals why modernity continues to perpetuate violence - LifeSite
Jul 30 2024

Read plain text version of this page  Engaging with the work of René Girard, we see that scapegoating in the contemporary Western world has not just continued since the onset of modernity, but has both escalated beyond control and cloaked itself in an all but unrecognizable form...

Lesbian in center of blasphemous Olympics ceremony says she portrayed 'Olympic Jesus' - LifeSite
Jul 30 2024

Read plain text version of this page  Barbara Butch, the immodest lesbian at the center of the infamous Olympics opening ceremony, said she sought to depict ‘Olympic Jesus,’ according to screenshots from her Instagram account highlighted by the Post Millennial’s Thomas Stevenson...

Liberal-approved school guide taught Canadian children to link Conservatives with bigotry - LifeSite
Jul 30 2024

Read plain text version of this page  The Liberal-approved, taxpayer-funded guidebook taught children to associate the Conservative Party with bigotry and to view the nation's former de facto flag, the Red Ensign, as a hate symbol...

Archbishop Aguer: The solution to religious ignorance is more vocations to the priesthood - LifeSite
Jul 30 2024

Read plain text version of this page  The chronic shortage of priests explains in large part why the religious ignorance of the population has been consolidated. There is a kind of vicious circle at work: where will priestly vocations come from, if not from this secularized society...

Perché ogni cattolico dovrebbe sviluppare una devozione per il Volto Santo di Gesù - LifeSite
Jul 30 2024

Read plain text version of this page  La devozione alle preghiere intorno al Volto Santo è pensata per i nostri tempi. La riparazione per i peccati del mondo deve essere fatta da veri guerrieri della preghiera. Dio ha preordinato un certo numero di guerrieri della preghiera per unirsi al combattimento mistico", ha detto p. Lawrence Carney, autore di due libri su questa devozione...

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